Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Grant: ANR Program "Blanc" (Research National Agency)

Dates: 2011 - 2015

Partners: ARTIS [leader], REVES, IPARLA

Overview: The project ALTA aims at analyzing the light transport equations and at using the resulting representations and algorithms for more efficient computation. We target lighting simulations, either offline, high-quality simulation or interactive simulations.


Grant: ANR Program "Contenus et Interactions" (Research National Agency)

Dates: 2009 - 2012

Partners: IPARLA [leader], Ausonius (CNRS - Université de Bordeaux), CEAlex (CNRS - Alexendrie - Egypte), ESTIA (Bidart - France)

Overview: The SeARCH project [35] is particularly motivated by a concrete archeological context: one of the partners is the Centre d'études Alexandrines (CEAlex, USR 3134) that works on the reconstruction of the lighthouse of Alexandria and its surrounding statues. Most of the fragments of the lighthouse and the statues are underwater. Some of the fragments, especially from the statues, have already been lifted to the surface. The SeARCH project strives to develop semi-automatic techniques for the virtual reassembly of 3D objects. The first involved step is the digital acquisition of the fragments, on-site, and under aggravated circumstances, combined with some post-processing steps of the acquired fragments. The second step is the reassembly of the fragments that should not only be as automatic as possible, but should also allow taking into account the long-year work experience of the cultural heritage professionals by new efficient interaction and visualization techniques.


Grant: ANR Program "Contenus et Interactions" (Research National Agency)

Dates: 2009 - 2012

Partners: IPARLA [leader], Alcove (Inria - Lille Nord Europe), Immersion, Cap Sciences

Overview: The InSTInCT project focuses on the design, development, and evaluation of new simple and efficient touch-based interfaces, with the goal of bringing widespread visibility to new generations of interactive 3D applications, aimed in particular at general public audiences. To this goal, we propose a pluridisciplinary approach allowing to address all aspects of the problem, from technical to end-usage challenges. Within the project we will first focus on bringing new hardware technologies leveraging a broad set of modalities and inputs (finger orientation, haptic feedback, etc). Second, we will propose new touch-based interaction techniques dedicated to interactive 3D tasks (manipulation, navigation, volume exploration). Third, we will aim at exporting the concept of touch-based 3D interaction to spawn new uses, targeting the full range of professionnal to general public applications. A fundamentally original aspect of the InSTInCT project, is to include broad experimental campaigns in the real-life conditions of Cap Science exhibits, from the earliest project stages. These test campaigns will be used to guide developments and will allow true-to-life and wide scale evaluation of the 3D interfaces we propose.


Grant: ANR Program “Jeune Chercheur” (Research National Agency)

Dates: 2008 - 2011

Partners: IPARLA [leader], ARTIS (Inria Rhone Alpes)

Overview: Expressive Rendering is a recent branch of Computer Graphics that offers promising novel styles, and is increasingly used in many application domains such as video games or movie production. At the present time, only expert artists are able to create compelling animations, and still, this is an extremely time-consuming process, with many constraints that strongly limit creativity. The reason is that current models are not sophisticated enough to provide intuitive manipulations and versatile styles. The motivation behind this project is to overcome these limitations both for 2D and 3D animation systems.